ESC Group (Middle East) - Fabricator, Supplier & Contractor in the Middle East & Africa
ABU DHABI: +971 2550 6188
DUBAI: +971 4575 9690
Interlock Sealant
A combination of a well designed and manufactured sheet pile interlock and a properly applied sealant can virtually eliminate any fluid leakage through the sheet piles, even at high hydrostatic pressures. ESC offers a range of time proven interlock sealants that can be used for hot rolled, cold formed and cold rolled sheet piles in various conditions from tropical to arctic. They are especially effective for cofferdams and marine applications.

Ghantoot Naval Base, UAE
ESC carried out the blasting and painting works on tubular piles and sheet piles for the proposed jetty.
Ghantoot Naval Base is located in Port Zayed, at the end of the commerce harbour in Abu Dhabi. This project was built for construction of infrastructure at Ghantoot H.Q for GHQ armed forces and Command of Military Works (CMW).
It comprises of 300 meters long dock with a 200 meters wide area and can host ships up to 10 meters draught. It accommodates boat stops and serves as the proffered support ships of the Navy in the region.
ESC carried out the blasting and painting works on tubular piles and sheet piles for the proposed jetty.
ESC Scope
The specified paint system was used in the different zones, which are listed below in Table1.
In order to prepare the pile surface, piles were shot blasted to SA2.5 standard as specified by ISO 8501 and ISO 8503 using ESC’s portable dry steel shot blasting machine, with compressed air supply of 0.7N/mm2.
Some welding flux and splatter remained after blasting, and was removed by grinding. Sharp edges and burr were also removed by grinding.
After completion of blasting, all dust and abrasives were removed from the piles by brushing and blowing.
All the sheet piles and tubular piles were painted in accordance with C5-M specification “Very high corrosivity marine atmospheric environment”.
ESC used Jotun’s two pack surface tolerant high build epoxy paint Jotamastic 87 Aluminium and Jotamstic 87 which was mixed on site prior to application. Paint was applied in two coats. The first coat was of red (red 49) and second coat was of Black.
- Durability: More than 15 Years
In both coats, stripe coats were applied by brush and general coating was applied by airless spray.
Table 1. Specified Paint System Used in Different Zones
Schedule of Coatings
Nozzle Pressure: 15.0 MPA
Nozzle Tip: 0.58 – 0.79 mm
Spray Angle: 40 o – 80o
Overlap: 50%
Coating was applied in transverse passes. Each coat was evenly and completely applied to the entire surface area.
ESC have well trained and certified manpower for blasting and painting works for on-shore and off-shore both. Who blasted and painted the Tubular and Sheet Piles according to the given procedure by ESC management.
Project Photos