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Vinyl Sheet Piles
Vinyl Sheet Piling or PVC Sheet Piles are an effective alternative to steel sheet piling for bulkheads, seawalls and cutoff walls. They are also superior to alternative materials like concrete and wood. The main advantage of vinyl sheet piles is the superior corrosion resistance when exposed to seawater, where no oxidation occurs. Vinyl sheet piles are also highly resistant to marine borers which make it superior to wooden solutions. Browse through ESC's new range of sheet piles, manufactured in facilities in Europe and Asia.
Advantages & Applications
Vinyl Sheet Piling also known as Synthetic Sheet Piling, Plastic Sheet Piles, PVC Sheet Piles are becoming increasingly popular for the construction of bulkheads, seawalls, cut-off and containment barriers due to their:
50+ year design life - Due to its superior corrosion resistance, ESC Vinyl Sheet Piles can be installed with the confidence of performance even after 50 years
Cost Efficiency - both from installation and long term cost savings due to superior corrosion resistance
Consistent Appearance - Wood fades, paint chips and steel rusts with time. With Vinyl sheet piles, this problem is virtually eliminated so a lasting, aesthetic finish of vinyl sheet piles can be expected
UV Resistance - The PVC material can be engineered to be resistant to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun
Not Affected by Marine Borers - Small mollusks or crustaceans in the ocean can cause devastating effects over a period of time to traditional timber piling. Vinyl Sheet Piling offers an attractive alternative that is unaffected by these organisms.
Easy Installation - Vinyl sheet piles do not swell like wood, it is also manufactured with strict dimensional tolerances. Compared to steel sheet piles, vinyl sheet piles can be up to 40 times lighter per square meter making it much easier to handle. Driving can also be completed under certain conditions by pressing down with an excavator or a compact vibrohammer.

ESC Group has a proven record as a geotechnical, engineering and shoring company who provide in-house technical and project design support to meet all project requirements.

Containment & Cutoff Systems

Water Control

Marine Structures

Flood Controls
Marine Structures
Over the last 25 years ESC has been delivering sheet piling solutions to marine structures. Vinyl PVC Sheet Piles provide an excellent option for a long lasting structural solution due to their superior corrosion resistance, aesthetic finish and lightweight profile for easy handling and installation. The marine applications include:
• Marine Bulkheads & Seawalls
• Tide Walls
• Breakwaters
• Wave Breaks
• Jetty Structures
• Groins
• Scour Protection and Erosion Control
• Retaining Walls

Cut-Off & Containment Systems
ESC Vinyl Sheet Piles are frequently the optimal solution for fluid containment projects. Vinyl PVC is a inert material that can exhibit superior chemical resistance, water corrosion resistance. The interlocks of the sheet pile can be coextruded with a sealing membrane that further improves cutoff performance. Applications include but are not limited to:
• Groundwater cut-off
• Chemical containment
• Fluid Seepage Barriers
• Protection of Foundation Structures

Flood Protection
Vinyl PVC Sheet Piles can be utilized for flood protection structures as an:
• Flood Walls / Flood Levee
• Stabilization of Dams
• Protection of Piping
Vinyl Sheet Piles are frequently utilized to replace old corroded sheet pile structures as a superior alternative with superior corrosion resistance that is environmentally friendly.

Water Control Solutions
Vinyl PVC Sheet Piles can be utilized for water control structures that function by altering the flow of water in a pond, drainage channel or stream. ESC sheet piles have been utilized for water control applications for decades. Examples of utilizing vinyl sheet piles relevant to water control systems include:
• Baffle Walls for water or waste water flow control
• River Weirs
• Pond Linings
• Channel Linings for agricultural applications
• River Diversion
• Mining drainage systems
ESC Vinyl Sheet Piles are an eco-friendly material that is light-weight, aesthetic and very corrosion resistant.

Vinyl Sheet Piles have been successfully used in construction projects for over 20 years. ESC's 3rd generation of vinyl sheet piles incorporates design improvements that improve driveability, increase leakage, and reduce the overall construction cost of your project. Below are some of the key design improvements that set ESC apart from its competition.

ESC’s connectors feature a hybrid of Larssen Interlocks of Steel Sheet Piles and traditional ball and socket connectors in 1st and 2nd generation vinyl sheet pile designs. This results in an extremely durable connector system which provides a superior resistance to declutching to other piles in the industry.

Multiple web stiffeners are engineered to provide maximum shear resistance while minimizing the profile weight.
Unlike other manufacturers that either manually apply a gasket or recommend the inconvenient application of a hydrophilic sealant prior to installation, ESC has incorporated a durable fused rubber gasket in the female connector. The Gasket is co-extruded at the same time as the sheet pile and uses a soft PVC and is not rubber. The gasket is hot fused with the sheet pile in the continuous production line which provides greater consistency, bond strength, and seal performance in excess of 10 bar. Anti-extrusion ridges prevent seal failure due to single-sided pressure.




Grey (Standard)
Olive Green or Brown (subject to minimum order quantity)
Any color (subject to minimum order quantity)
The information provided within this web page is for general information purposes only, without any warranty. ESC shall not be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or misuse of any of the information provided. Pile disclaims any and all liability resulting from the ability or inability to use the information within this document. Anyone using the information contained does so at their own risk. ESC shall not be held liable for any damages which include any financial losses or incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this information. The product range contained is liable to change without notice.
Installation of Vinyl Sheet Piles
ESC offers design, supply and installation of vinyl sheet piles at the construction site by our technical team. The construction team together with the design engineers are well experienced to handle variable ground conditions to adopt suitable installation techniques and methods. These projects include retaining walls, containment and cutoff
systems, water control, revetment works, erosion control and others.
To meet all kinds of piling requirements, ESC have the fleet of necessary equipment and manpower resources and shoring materials for carrying out the construction works in line with ESC’s commitment and compliance to the International Standard for Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015), Environmental Management System (ISO
14001:2015) and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001:2018), to ensure continuous Client’s Satisfaction.
Vinyl Sheet Piles can either be driven, jetted in or dug and then installed. Driving is the most frequent method for installation of vinyl sheet piles. Frequently a protective steel cap or mandrel is utilised to protect the pile head and ensure more even distribution on the end of the sheet pile of the driving load. Under some conditions an excavator can be used to provide the necesssary download force to press the sheet piles in. A steel mandrel with the same profile as the sheet pile can also be utilised to prepare the soil for the proceeding pile while the current pile is being driven in. High pressure air or water jetting can be used to augment the driving by creating a pressure under the sheet pile foot to loosen and remove the soil directly under it. Digging is the last resort if the soil conditions are rocky and driving or jetting is not feasible.

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